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Zeal For Wisdom

English Language Writing

A1 writing

Writing practice to help you write short, simple texts about known topics and fill in forms. Texts include messages, emails and forms.

A2 writing

Writing practice to help you write short, simple texts, notes and messages. Texts include messages, forum posts, personal profiles, forms and emails.

B1 writing

Writing practice to help you write simple connected text on familiar topics that are of personal interest. Texts include forum posts, reviews, messages, short essays and emails.

B2 writing

Writing practice to help you write clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics related to your interests. Texts include essays, reports, reviews, messages and emails.

C1 writing

Writing practice to help you write clear, well-structured texts about complex subjects. Texts include essays, proposals, articles, reports, reviews and emails.

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Zeal For Wisdom

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